Hello, and welcome!

Earlier this year, I quietly started Evensong Stories, a publication on Substack, where I share my short fiction. I’d love for you to come check it out! Recent stories include:

  • “Rose at Dawn,” a retelling of Sleeping Beauty set in Victorian England (with a twist!)
  • “Keep the Lights Burning,” a dual timeline story set in the 1870’s at a lighthouse in Puget Sound and in 2008 at a historic inn. (One of my very favorite stories to write!)
  • “A Place Prepared,” in which weeping endures for a night, but joy comes in the morning for a young bride-to-be.

And more. So, please come join me! Just click the link below and enter your email address. Or, if you have the Substack app, please subscribe to Evensong Stories.

Hello there! I’m glad you’re here! I’m K. C. Ireton. I’m the author of several non-fiction books, but my first love has always been fiction, so I’m thrilled that my very first collection of stories will be published this fall.

Regardless of genre, my writing centers on the Christian spiritual life, on learning to recognize the God who always is all everywhere, and on living into the promise of His presence. This is the heart of everything I write, this promise of God-with-us, whose perfect love casts out our fear.

If you want more God in your life—more peace, more joy—you’re in the right place. Walk with me as we learn together to attend to the presence of God right where we are.

“What a beautiful, gracious work this is!”

—Lancia E. Smith, Publisher & Executive Director, Cultivating Oaks Press

In the title story, a young American woman discovers a stash of sonnets in the attic of her great-grandmother’s Herefordshire home and sets out to unravel the mystery of their authorship, finding friendship and love along the way.

Four additional stories round out this debut fiction collection. Whether depicting the affection of a daughter for her mother, the love of a woman for her husband, the friendship of women in community, or the simple kindness of a stranger, these stories are quiet and gladsome tales of ordinary people learning to trust and love in extraordinary ways.

Sign up below to read the first two chapters of the title story “A Yellow Wood.”

The church year is a uniquely Christian way of marking time. When K. C. Ireton began to understand this, even the most ordinary moments of her life resonated with the stories of Scripture.

In this book, she traces the circle of the liturgical year—from Advent to Ordinary Time—describing the origin of each season and its ongoing relevance for our lives. The Circle of Seasons presents a simple and traditional way of building your life around your faith, rather than the other way around.

Beautiful words, deep thoughts…speak my language of rhythm and liturgy and make me yearn for more God. The Circle of Seasons shows us how to keep company with Jesus.

Ann Voskamp

author, One Thousand Gifts